Parking area security has become a growing concern for business owners nationwide. Most indoor car lots and garages are poorly lit, making them a prime setting for criminal activity, from car break-ins and vandalism to motor vehicle theft and even acts of violence.
Parking Lot Security Cameras: The Benefits of Video Surveillance
Jun 15, 2021 2:36:07 PM / by Titan Team posted in Video Monitoring
How a Remote Video Monitoring System Proactively Protects Your Construction Site
May 24, 2021 10:51:00 AM / by Titan Team posted in Video Monitoring
Theft and vandalism are major causes for concern in the construction industry. Heavy equipment, fleets, and building materials are very valuable targets for criminals and needed to be guarded in one form or another 24/7...especially during off hours.
Catalytic Converters – How to Protect the New Hot Target for Thieves
Apr 19, 2021 10:27:22 AM / by Titan Team posted in Video Monitoring
You may not be aware of this, but there’s a gold mine under your company’s cars and trucks…and using the term “gold mine” is actually an understatement. We’re talking about catalytic converters, which house metallic elements that are currently valued as much as 15% times the price of gold.